Goodman Fielder Food Service

Results for “artisan” tag

Chipotle Chicken Salad Baguette

Creamy chipotle chicken, fresh garden salad and crunchy golden baguette combine to create the perfect summer sandwich.

Grilled Vegetable, Spinach and Bocconcini Ciabatta Roll

Rich and garlicky, this vegetarian panini is packed full of earthy goodness. Served warm and toasty, it’s perfect for lunch or as a light dinner.

Mezze Dip Trio

Designed to be shared, these delicious Middle Eastern dips are perfect as an appetizer or light meal, and best enjoyed with fresh, warm Turkish loaf.

Shakshuka & Toasted Turkish Bread

Spice up your breakfast menu - literally. The Shakshuka offers a Mediterranean spin and rich flavour combinations that your customers will love.

Black Garlic Bread With Lava Salt

Switch up your starters menu with our black garlic bread recipe. With the use of black garlic and black lava salt, it just burst of strong, tasty flavours.

Turkish Bread Pissaladiere

Dress-up your turkish bread with this Pissaladiere recipe. It can be served as an entree or as a share starter plate.

Steamed Golden Syrup Pudding

This steamed golden syrup pudding is a menu must-have this winter. From its warm juices to its fluffiness, this recipe will literally be to die for.

Coriander and Chilli Infused Chicken Burger with Lime Mayonnaise

Chef Andrew's Coriander and Chilli Infused Chicken Burger is full of strong flavours, including his homemade lime mayonnaise.

Kaya Filled French Toast

Dishing up the traditional French toast can sometimes become boring, but this spin-off will have your customers coming back for more.
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